As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, Muslims around the world begin preparing to welcome this virtuous month with hearts full of faith and longing. Ramadan is considered a great opportunity to draw closer to Allah, purify the soul, renew faith, and obtain forgiveness and mercy. In this comprehensive article, we will discuss how to welcome Ramadan in both spiritual and practical ways, offering advice and guidance to help Muslims maximize the benefits of this blessed month.
Why Do We Need to Prepare for Ramadan?
Before delving into the details of how to welcome Ramadan, let’s first understand the importance of preparing for this great month. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained” [Agreed upon]. This hadith shows us the greatness of this month and its blessings, which necessitates good preparation.
Preparing for Ramadan helps us:
- Prepare the soul for worship and obedience
- Organize time to increase productivity in worship
- Make the most of this annual spiritual opportunity
- Adjust health and practical aspects to facilitate fasting and worship
Spiritual Preparation for Welcoming Ramadan
1. Renewing and Correcting Intention
The first step in spiritual preparation for Ramadan is renewing and correcting one’s intention. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Actions are judged by intentions, and each person will be rewarded according to their intention” [Agreed upon]. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to renew their intention to fast Ramadan sincerely for Allah, seeking His reward and forgiveness.
Important aspects of renewing intention include:
- Reflecting on the reality of fasting as worship between the servant and their Lord
- Being mindful of the intention to draw closer to Allah and seek His pleasure
- Avoiding showing off and seeking fame through worship
- Realizing that fasting is not merely abstaining from food and drink, but also from everything that displeases Allah
2. Sincere Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness
Before Ramadan begins, Muslims should hasten to sincere repentance and seek forgiveness for all sins and transgressions, to enter the blessed month with a pure heart and clean soul. Allah says: “And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed” [An-Nur: 31].
Steps for sincere repentance include:
- Immediately abandoning the sin
- Feeling remorse for past actions
- Making a sincere resolve not to return to disobedience
- Returning rights to their owners if applicable
- Increasing in seeking forgiveness and good deeds
3. Purifying the Heart from Hatred and Animosity
One of the important spiritual preparations for Ramadan is purifying the heart from hatred and animosity toward other Muslims, and forgiving those who have wronged you. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Deeds are presented on Mondays and Thursdays, and Allah forgives every person who does not associate anything with Him, except for a person who has enmity between him and his brother. It is said: ‘Leave these two until they reconcile'” [Narrated by Muslim].
To purify the heart, these steps can be followed:
- Taking the initiative to greet and reconcile
- Asking for pardon and forgiveness from those you have wronged
- Striving to reconcile between those who are in conflict
- Remembering that forgiveness is among the causes of expanded provision and contentment
4. Psychological Preparation for Fasting and Worship
Psychological preparation for fasting and worship is essential for welcoming Ramadan, and can be achieved through:
- Practicing fasting before Ramadan (such as fasting the white days and Mondays and Thursdays)
- Mental preparation for changes in lifestyle during Ramadan
- Gradually adjusting sleep schedules in preparation for night prayers
- Preparing the soul to approach worship with eagerness and love
Practical Preparation for Welcoming Ramadan
1. Organizing Time and Preparing a Ramadan Schedule
One of the most important practical preparations for Ramadan is organizing time and preparing a daily schedule that takes into account the specifics of this month. A Ramadan schedule helps:
- Achieve balance between different acts of worship
- Use time effectively during the blessed month
- Commit to performing obligatory and recommended acts of worship
- Allocate time for family and social activities
Suggested model for a Ramadan schedule:
- Before dawn: Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and Tahajjud prayer
- After Fajr prayer: Quran recitation and remembrance of Allah
- Morning: Sleep or work (depending on circumstances)
- Dhuhr: Dhuhr prayer with remembrance of Allah
- Asr: Asr prayer with remembrance of Allah and Quran recitation
- Before Maghrib: Preparation for breaking fast and supplication
- Maghrib: Breaking fast and Maghrib prayer
- Isha: Isha prayer followed by Taraweeh prayer
- After Taraweeh: Family or social activities
2. Dietary and Health Preparation
Dietary and health preparation is one of the most important aspects of welcoming Ramadan, and includes:
2.1 Consulting a Doctor
If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before Ramadan to know:
- Whether you can fast or not
- How to adjust medication timing
- Appropriate dietary advice for your health condition
2.2 Planning for Ramadan Meals
Planning ahead for Ramadan meals helps:
- Save time and effort during the blessed month
- Prepare balanced and healthy meals
- Avoid excessive eating
- Purchase food supplies before the month begins
Tips for healthy meals in Ramadan:
- Ensure to have Suhoor, as it is blessed
- Drink sufficient water between Iftar and Suhoor
- Start breaking fast with dates and water, then have a light meal
- Avoid greasy and fried foods
- Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables
3. Preparing the Home and Surrounding Environment
Preparing the home for Ramadan helps create a spiritual atmosphere that encourages worship, through:
- Cleaning and organizing the house before the month begins
- Preparing a dedicated place for prayer and worship
- Decorating the house with appropriate Ramadan decorations
- Preparing a Ramadan library containing the Quran, books of remembrance, and commentary
4. Financial Planning for Ramadan
Financial planning for Ramadan is necessary to avoid extravagance and waste, and includes:
- Setting a specific budget for Ramadan expenses (food, gifts, charity)
- Allocating an amount for Zakat and Zakat al-Fitr
- Avoiding random shopping and excessive purchasing
- Planning ahead for gifts and Eid money
Social Preparation for Welcoming Ramadan
1. Maintaining Family Ties and Strengthening Family Relationships
Ramadan is a great opportunity to maintain family ties and strengthen family bonds, and this can be prepared for by:
- Communicating with relatives and congratulating them on the advent of the blessed month
- Planning family visits during the month
- Preparing a program for family gatherings at Iftar tables
- Resolving family problems and disputes before the month begins
2. Social Solidarity and Helping the Needy
One of the manifestations of welcoming Ramadan is caring for social solidarity and helping the needy, through:
- Identifying needy families in the neighborhood or area
- Preparing Ramadan baskets and distributing them to the poor
- Volunteering at charitable institutions that provide Iftar meals
- Participating in collective Iftar projects
- Supporting orphan and widow sponsorship projects during the blessed month
3. Spreading the Spirit of Forgiveness and Affection
An important preparation for welcoming Ramadan is spreading the spirit of forgiveness and affection among people, through:
- Taking the initiative to reconcile with those with whom you have disputes
- Avoiding arguments and quarrels during the month
- Spreading peace and love among neighbors and friends
- Avoiding backbiting, gossip, and bad speech
Worship Preparation for Welcoming Ramadan
1. Quran Recitation and Preparation for Completing It
One of the most important worship preparations for Ramadan is focusing on Quran recitation, through:
- Setting a specific plan to complete the Quran during the month
- Determining a daily amount of Quran to read
- Joining Quran memorization circles
- Using Quran apps on the phone for daily follow-up
Suggested plan for completing the Quran in Ramadan:
- Reading one juz’ (part) daily to complete the Quran once
- Reading two juz’ daily to complete the Quran twice
- Dividing the reading between after Fajr, after Asr, and after Taraweeh
2. Preparation for Taraweeh Prayer and Night Standing
Preparing for Taraweeh prayer and night standing is important for welcoming Ramadan, through:
- Practicing night prayer before Ramadan
- Choosing an appropriate mosque to perform Taraweeh prayer
- Adjusting sleep schedules to be able to perform Taraweeh and night prayer
- Memorizing some Surahs and supplications for Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Decree)
3. Learning the Rulings and Etiquettes of Fasting
An important preparation for Ramadan is learning the rulings and etiquettes of fasting, through:
- Attending lessons and lectures on fasting rulings
- Reading reliable books and references on fasting jurisprudence
- Reviewing contemporary scholars’ fatwas on fasting issues
Most important rulings to know:
- Conditions for obligatory fasting
- Things that invalidate fasting and things that do not
- Rulings on Zakat and Zakat al-Fitr
- Rulings on making up missed fasts and expiation
4. Preparation for I’tikaf (Spiritual Retreat) in the Last Ten Days
One of the confirmed Sunnah practices in Ramadan is I’tikaf in the last ten days, and preparation for this includes:
- Coordinating with family and work to free up time for I’tikaf
- Choosing an appropriate mosque for I’tikaf
- Preparing necessary supplies for I’tikaf
- Setting a special worship program for the I’tikaf period
How to Welcome the First Day of Ramadan
Welcoming the first day of Ramadan is done with joy and celebration, and manifestations of this welcome include:
1. Welcoming the Month with Supplication and Gratitude
It is recommended to welcome the first day of Ramadan with supplication and gratitude. Among the traditional supplications: “O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha’ban, and enable us to reach Ramadan,” and upon seeing the new moon of Ramadan: “O Allah, make it appear to us with security and faith, safety and Islam, and success in what You love and are pleased with. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah” [Narrated by Tirmidhi].
2. Congratulating Muslims on the Arrival of the Blessed Month
One manifestation of welcoming Ramadan is congratulating Muslims on the arrival of the blessed month, through:
- Exchanging congratulations through personal visits
- Sending congratulatory messages through social media
- Spreading congratulatory expressions in gatherings and forums
3. Increasing Worship on the First Day
It is recommended to increase worship on the first day of Ramadan, through:
- Making sure to pray Fajr in the mosque
- Reading a portion of the Quran
- Increasing remembrance and supplication
- Praying Taraweeh in the mosque
Challenges of Welcoming Ramadan and How to Overcome Them
1. Time Management Challenges
One of the challenges Muslims face when welcoming Ramadan is difficulty in time management, which can be overcome through:
- Setting a flexible schedule that considers your specific circumstances
- Prioritizing acts of worship and tasks
- Utilizing modern technology in time management
- Reducing engagement with social media
2. Challenges of Fasting in Countries with Long Daylight
One of the challenges some Muslims face is the difficulty of fasting in countries with long daylight, which can be overcome through:
- Practicing fasting before Ramadan
- Organizing sleep and rest during the day
- Avoiding direct exposure to sunlight
- Consulting scholars in difficult cases
3. Challenges of Work and Study While Fasting
One of the challenges many face is the difficulty of balancing work or study with fasting, which can be overcome through:
- Coordinating with the workplace or school to reduce workload
- Dividing difficult tasks over spaced periods
- Making sure to get adequate rest
- Having a balanced Suhoor that helps withstand thirst and hunger
Successful Experiences in Welcoming Ramadan
1. Successful Family Experience
An experience of a family that set up a comprehensive program to welcome Ramadan, which included:
- Involving all family members in planning for the month
- Setting a collective goal for completing the Quran
- Designating one day a week for hosting relatives and neighbors for Iftar
- Involving children in charity work and giving
2. Successful Community Experience
An experience of a residential neighborhood that organized collective activities to welcome Ramadan, including:
- Cleaning the mosque and preparing it to receive worshippers
- Conducting educational courses on fasting rulings
- Organizing an Iftar project for neighborhood residents and workers
- Forming committees to distribute Ramadan baskets to the needy
3. Successful Personal Experience
An experience of a person who set a comprehensive plan to welcome Ramadan, which included:
- Setting clear goals for the month (completing the Quran, attending Taraweeh, performing I’tikaf)
- Organizing time between work and worship
- Allocating a budget for charity and Zakat
- Weekly monitoring of goals and evaluating achievement
How to Welcome Ramadan During the Coronavirus Pandemic
With the continuation of the coronavirus pandemic in some countries, Ramadan can be welcomed while observing precautionary measures through:
- Adhering to health guidelines issued by competent authorities
- Utilizing technology for virtual communication with family and friends
- Conducting knowledge and remembrance gatherings through social media
- Organizing the distribution of charity and aid while observing social distancing
Conclusion: Welcoming Ramadan with a Smile and Hope
Welcoming Ramadan is a great opportunity for positive change in a Muslim’s life, which requires good spiritual, practical, and social preparation. It is important to welcome this month with a smile and hope for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
We ask Allah to enable us to reach Ramadan, help us fast and perform night prayers, accept our good deeds, and make us among those freed from Hellfire during this blessed month.
Frequently Asked Questions About Welcoming Ramadan
1. What are the best deeds for preparing for Ramadan?
The best deeds for preparing for Ramadan include:
- Sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness for sins
- Renewing and correcting intention
- Reconciling with those with whom you have disputes
- Learning the rulings and etiquettes of fasting
- Setting a plan to complete the Quran
- Practicing fasting before Ramadan
2. How do I prepare for Ramadan healthwise?
Health preparation for Ramadan includes:
- Consulting a doctor if you suffer from chronic diseases
- Gradually changing eating patterns before Ramadan
- Gradually reducing stimulants
- Making sure to drink sufficient amounts of water
- Regulating sleep and wake times
3. How can I help my children welcome Ramadan?
You can help children welcome Ramadan through:
- Introducing them to the virtues of Ramadan in a simplified manner
- Involving them in decorating the house in preparation for the month
- Encouraging them to fast gradually according to their ages
- Teaching them some simple supplications and remembrances
- Motivating them with moral rewards for acts of worship
4. What are the best times for supplication in Ramadan?
The best times for supplication in Ramadan include:
- During Suhoor
- When breaking the fast
- In the last third of the night
- Between the call to prayer and the start of prayer
- During prostration in prayer
- During the last ten nights, especially Laylat al-Qadr
5. How can I make the most of my time in Ramadan?
To make the most of your time in Ramadan, you can:
- Set a flexible daily schedule
- Prioritize acts of worship
- Reduce sleep time as much as possible
- Use waiting time for remembrance and Quran recitation
- Stay away from time-wasters like social media
Sources and References
- The Holy Quran
- Sahih Bukhari
- Sahih Muslim
- Sunan al-Tirmidhi
- Fiqh as-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq
- Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din by Imam al-Ghazali
- Collected Fatwas of Ibn Baz
- The website Islam Question and Answer
- Journal of Islamic Research
- Kuwait Fiqh Encyclopedia